Fotos Singer 911 4.0 Targa (fotos post 33 ) + Singer 911 4.0 Coupé (video post 43)

Tema en 'Foro General BMW' iniciado por cybermad, 20 Jun 2015.

  1. Manolo71

    Manolo71 Forista Senior

    4 May 2008
    Me Gusta:
    He visto todos los videos y el nivel de detalle de los trabajos son exquisitos!!!
    Me pregunto si una vez puestos en ese berenjenal no han pensado en poner un motor mas moderno o tambien si han modificado el chasis para intentar correjir esa particularidad que tenian las primeras generaciones del 911 como los que tocan.
  2. davidW

    davidW Mozo Moderador Miembro del Club

    15 Oct 2002
    Me Gusta:
    Hell´s kitchen
    Me encantan los Singermornings estos...a ver si encuentro la prueba que hizo alguien de EVO y la leo
  3. cybermad

    cybermad Clan Leader

    11 Feb 2008
    Me Gusta:
    más p'allá que p'acá
    Z3 2.8 / GR86
    El primer Targa de Singer, I M P R E S I O N A N T E :amo2:
    Navero, hector8, GELI///M y 3 otros les gusta esto.
  4. cybermad

    cybermad Clan Leader

    11 Feb 2008
    Me Gusta:
    más p'allá que p'acá
    Z3 2.8 / GR86
  5. cybermad

    cybermad Clan Leader

    11 Feb 2008
    Me Gusta:
    más p'allá que p'acá
    Z3 2.8 / GR86

    Exclusive: the first Porsche 911 Targa restored by Singer
    We Sit Down With Rob Dickinson To Talk Targa

    We love Singer. Frankly, if you're a Porsche guy, or just a car guy, and have seen any of the Porsche 911s that have been restored and "reimagined" by the Californian company, you probably do too. So you can imagine our excitement in getting an exclusive first full look at the latest Porsche 911 restored by Singer.

    The car you seen in the photographs above is a special thing beyond the obsessive Singer restoration treatment. It's the first Targa the company has ever restored. Plus, this car is one of the first with a modified 4.0-liter flat-six, making around 390 horsepower and 315 pound-feet of torque. With a body clad mostly in carbon fiber, the ultra-lightweight Targa is as modern under the skin as it is retro to the casual observer.

    The liquid-pewter beauty makes its debutant turn tomorrow at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. We sat down with Singer founder, Rob Dickinson, to pick his brain about the new Targa, where his love of Porsches started, and about the punk-rock car company he's building in SoCal.

    Autoblog: Tell us a little bit about the car. It's a 911 Targa, obviously, but tell us about what's special beyond that.

    Rob Dickinson: This is the first time one of our clients has requested that we restore his Targa rather than his coupé and so we did. We always had hopes that we could get our fingers on a Targa and it's the first of a few that are coming down the line now, such that you'll see the second one at Pebble Beach in August.

    It's basically a faithful rendition of the work that we do on the coupes. The Targa presents us with new challenges, but also an opportunity to add our jewelry to the car. Obviously, that iconic Targa hoop – that was rendered in stainless steel on the original 911s in '65 – we now render that in nickel, which is I guess part of our calling card, our signature. All the brightwork we do on the coupes is in nickel and we're following that principle with the Targas as well.

    Just for the sake of injecting a little bit of uniqueness into the Targa hoop, we render it with two cool, air-filtering louvers, rather than three, which the early 911 had. Which we thought was a cute little touch that is somewhat different from the early 911s and very different from the later 964, which didn't have any louvers in it at all.

    AB: That's Porsche nerdiness in the extreme. In a good way.

    RD: Thank you, yeah. It's one of those things that won't be noticed by many but will be noticed by a few, and that's an insider's thing. It's something – that little bit of whimsical, insider neurosis – is something that we like to try and include everywhere on the car.

    The other thing that's unique about the Targa is that, as well as the traditional collapsible Targa roof panel ... is the lift-up panel we've also done. We've introduced a second Targa top, which is made of carbon fiber... It's a beautifully executed carbon piece with a proper headlining in it and a proper convertible cloth covering and makes the car just look a little bit sharper.

    AB: Let's move on to the engine.

    This particular car is one of the first handful of cars that have the 4.0-liter engine. It's a very highly specified car. I think you may have seen that the car performing very well for Road & Track. The Targa contains that same engine which of course is rebuilt. It's the 964, 3.6-liter engine that's rebuilt by Ed Pink to this spectacular 4.0-liter specification. As usual, the engine number is the original case from the car that we started with. So the numbers for the engine match the numbers for the chassis – something, again, we're quite proud of for each of the restorations that we do.

    The car has a six-speed gearbox from the 993, and it has the Öhlins suspension that we have been working very hard to refine. We feel the 964 Targa chassis, the monocoque is extremely stiff and has responded very well to our work.

    AB: Is there anything else, mechanically or otherwise, that we've never seen on a 911 restored by Singer before?

    RD: Not mechanically, no. You're seeing some bodywork, obviously, that we haven't seen before on the car. The Aria Group, who are based in Irvine, CA – our long-term composite, bodywork, and paint partners – have done a spectacular job on rendering the carbon fiber for the Targa. There's new surfacing on the rear fenders and the rear quarters of the car, which is being spectacularly executed as usual for their amazing standards.

    Again, Aria [is] one of the many partners that make us look very good. Whether it's Ed Pink, whether it's Little John who does our interiors, we have this amazing access to first-class artisanship and craftsmanship here in Southern California that makes this car possible ... Obviously the devil is in the details, but also ... bringing the details together.

    That's what our incredible team here at Singer, where we restore the cars, make happen and again. The team at Singer, now which numbers over 40, are an incredibly talented bunch that bring all these disparate contributions from all over California together and execute these cars to these amazing standards for us.

    AB: I've got to say that there's something that's always been very Californian about the cars. Something that screams West Coast in the final presentation.

    RD: Yeah, I think so. And of course you know this is the biggest market on planet Earth for Porsche. When I moved to California and when I moved to Los Angeles in 2003, and built my own little hot-rod 911 – which was very much the genesis, if you like, for Singer – it was very much informed by the amazing car culture and the amazing culture of the 911 here in the Los Angeles area ... The optimism and the sunshine and everything else that goes with the California lifestyle. I think that sense that we can dream here in California – dream and make things a reality here – is important to why we exist ... and probably why we're having this conversation. Of course, the Targa being a convertible of sorts obviously makes a huge amount of sense here in California.

    AB: You did an interview a couple of years back with Tamara Warren where you referenced falling in love with Porsche as a kid. You mentioned that it was a 911 Targa that you saw on the road that really kicked off the love affair.

    RD: Absolutely so. For me, as a kid in 1970, that experience, that was Porsche. It was such a Porsche signature; that fishbowl of a rear window and that polished hoop that supported that big hole in the roof. It was quintessential Porsche for me. And every car, every Porsche 911 I saw that wasn't a Targa in those early days was kind of weird because ... it didn't have those signature features.

    AB: You're headed over to England next week. Is there a particular reason why you chose the Goodwill Festival of Speed to show this off?

    RD: No, the stars aligned. The owner of this first Targa was anxious to participate. We have a customer-owned coupé in England – and that customer was happy to make his car available, too. We have got Chris Harris, Marino Franchitti driving the 3.8 UK coupé up the hillclimb at Goodwood, with the Targa on static display on the Cartier Lawn. We're pretty well covered. The generosity of both owners to participate made this possible and theGoodwood Festival of Speed is a fabulous event. This is the first time our customers have had the opportunity to show our work in England and the stars seemed to align and so we've gone for it.

    I think there's some excitement around the cars being there which is very exciting and rather humbling. I think Lord March was personally quite excited about the cars being part of the Goodwood event this year. Again that's very, very, flattering for us. It will be interesting to see the reaction.
    A Navero, GELI///M y Hipno Sapo les gusta esto.
  6. MiniFER

    MiniFER Vicepresidente Ejecutivo Miembro del Club

    18 Jul 2006
    Me Gusta:
    5 miles out
    Lockheed SR-71
    Unete a BMW FAQ Club Unete a BMW FAQ Club Unete a BMW FAQ Club
    Brutal es decir poco, parece que hayan elegido el color exterior pensando en mi :aplause:
  7. Nacho Martinez

    Nacho Martinez Clan Leader Coordinador

    21 Abr 2002
    Me Gusta:
    Valencia (de vez en cuando)
    j*der....definitivamente muero....
    A Navero y ER330d les gusta esto.
  8. cybermad

    cybermad Clan Leader

    11 Feb 2008
    Me Gusta:
    más p'allá que p'acá
    Z3 2.8 / GR86
    Juer, pues al final no lleva tachuelas en los asientos, solo en los reposabrazos de las puertas :)
  9. Hipno Sapo

    Hipno Sapo Forista Legendario

    20 May 2009
    Me Gusta:

    Lo de singer pensaba que tenía algo que ver con las máquinas de coser... y qué va:descojon:

    La música de este tío no es muy de mi rollo, pero sus coches:love::love::love:
  10. Pichi

    Pichi Forista

    29 Dic 2004
    Me Gusta:
    No digo nada pues hacerlo es estropear el momento...

    En el video de Harris dicen que los singer empiezan en mid to high $300K, mejor ni lo pienso.
  11. alejandro_M

    alejandro_M Forista Legendario

    9 Feb 2009
    Me Gusta:
    Hong Kong/Madrid
    130i e87/M3 e36
  12. hector8

    hector8 Forista Senior

    25 Nov 2009
    Me Gusta:
    335d E91
    brrr mamma mia pero que preciosidad!
    mucho van a pagar por él, es una obra de arte.
  13. cybermad

    cybermad Clan Leader

    11 Feb 2008
    Me Gusta:
    más p'allá que p'acá
    Z3 2.8 / GR86
    Aqui hay muchas mas fotos, son buenisimas :)

    Porsche 911 Reimagined by Singer First Drive

    4.0L Flat-6
    390 HP / 315 LB-FT
    6-Speed Manual
    0-60 Time:
    3.3 Seconds
    Rear-Wheel Drive
    Engine Placement:
    Curb Weight:
    2,743 LBS
    As Tested Price:

    "There's still a couple hundred rpm left," coaxes the voice from the passenger seat. Though I'm wailing down a mercilessly knotted up Southern California canyon road in someone else's half-million dollar coupe, my manic pace apparently isn't sufficient for the Singer Vehicle Design rep in the right seat.

    On one hand, my Irish co-pilot with more than a passing resemblance to Bruce Willis is playfully ribbing me because I've been driving hard, but haven't yet hit the 4.0-liter engine's 7,200-rpm rev limiter. On the other hand, if you've never heard of an Irish bloke who doesn't drink because he's got control issues – well, now you have, because the dude's stocky paws are white knuckling the car's rain gutter like his life depends on it. Within my microcosm of itinerant auto writing some days are odder than others; this particular Monday is beginning to look like one of the weirder ones.

    Rolling, In My Four-Point-Oh

    The car in question, according to a release I've signed prior to the drive, is a "Porsche 911," a "Porsche," or a "911," but certainly not a "Singer Porsche," a "Singer 911," or any number of variants thereafter. Sigh. I suppose "Porsche 911 reimagined by Singer Vehicle Design" will suffice? Oh, legal department.

    Nomenclature aside, what started life as a 1990 Porsche 911 has been dismantled and rebodied with a carbon fiber skin that makes it more closely resemble a small-bumpered, wide-hipped 1960s-era 911 than it does its melted bumper donor car. According to company founder (and former Catherine Wheel vocalist) Rob Dickinson, the decision to source a 964-series 911 was based on its delicate foothold between the model's combination of heritage and drivability. "I think the 964 is in the sweet spot of having one foot in old school 911 thinking with the [semi-trailing] rear suspension, which honors every earlier 911, while having a front end which is very much of the modern era and allows the car not to feel like an antique," he tells Autoblog.


    The specimen I'm driving is the latest evolution of Singer's vision of the reinterpreted 911, distinguished by a 4.0-liter powerplant that's been heavily modified by Ed Pink Racing (and, in Singer tradition, the serial number matches the donor car's chassis). The Van Nuys, California-based firm knows a thing or two about high-strung Porsche mills: the tuner has a long history of rebuilding such mechanical exotica such as 917, 935, and 962 race engines. The extensive rebuild process concludes with two to three hours of dyno testing per engine, a computer-controlled break-in process, and extensive post-build probing and inspection. The flat-six starts life as a 964 engine and is enlarged from 3.6 to 4.0 liters; everything from intake manifold and valvetrain to connecting rods and pistons have been tweaked with the intention of drawing a fatter, more usable torque curve.

    "We wanted to make a giant powerband, drivability, and the sensation of power," says Ed Pink general manager Frank Honsowetz. Rather than installing a smaller oil pump to accommodate the longer stroke (a common tactic with hopped-up air-cooled Porsche engines), a robust, 996 GT3-sourced oil pump enables vigorous circulation of the gooey stuff.


    Total output is rated at 390 horsepower and 315 pound-feet of torque. Honsowetz insists the ultimate goal was feel and flexibility, not outright numbers. "We may have given up an insignificant part of peak power to gain [more usable torque throughout the powerband]," he says. A stainless steel exhaust system by Burns Stainless from Costa Mesa, CA, passes CARB standards (as well as notoriously picky requirements in places like Germany and Switzerland). Speaking of Orange County, all of Singer's suppliers are US-based, with many of them hailing from Southern California.

    The 4.0-liter powerplant mates to a Getrag G50-series six-speed manual transmission optimized for shift action and clutch engagement feel. Adding a sense of preciousness to the mechanical motivation is a shroud of quilted, marine-grade leather surrounding the pristine engine, making it just as visually compelling as every other corner of this already stunning vehicle.

    Other mechanical alterations include premium Öhlins TTX suspension components that have been dropped and stiffened over the stock setup. Regarding my test subject (internally referred to as the "Chicago" car for the home city of its owner), Dickinson says its chassis was tuned to the owner's personal spec. "This particular customer wanted very focused performance, but something that hadn't tipped over the compromise level and made it an unpleasant road car," says Dickinson, adding that those instructions were enacted by an unnamed chassis engineer who works at a mainstream automotive manufacturer and spends his weekends racing 911s.


    Numbers And Intangibles

    The reworked 4.0-liter engine, along with the wider rubber and nearly 400 pounds of ditched weight, enable this particular 911 to reach 60 miles per hour in only 3.3 seconds and achieve 0.93 Gs on the skidpad, as reported by the boys at Road & Track. But the numbers are almost irrelevant. Sure, the 4.0-liter churns more usable power than its smaller predecessor, but the vivid sensuality of driving this reimagined 911 far transcends the realm of performance numbers and spec sheets. Squeeze the door handle and that familiar, mechanically reassuring clink springs the pillared portal open; shut it, and a resonant clunk signals its seal. Our test subject's cockpit is a symphony of caramel colored woven leather, accented with subtle nickel-plated metal touches. Details spill seamlessly into each other, like the controls of the period-correct Becker head unit that emerge tidily from the leather dash surface; the leather door handle strap positioned at just the right height which unlatches the door with a lovely weighted click; the purposeful simplicity of the shifter, which feels like a natural extension of your right wrist. I could go on.

    After a moment of soaking up the cabin, I fire up the flat-six with a left-handed turn of the ignition key, release the parking brake, and ease out the clutch. The left pedal engages near the end of its travel point with a positive grab, and the throttle responds with easy immediacy, shooting the big orange tach needle clockwise with a startling zing. Every driver contact point – the floor-mounted pedals, the leather-wrapped Momo Prototipo steering wheel, the ball-shaped shifter – feel absolutely in tune with each other and signal root of the car's mechanical purpose. As I point the half-million-dollar 911 onto Little Tujunga Road, this particular specimen's mammoth asking price starts dissolving as its athletic capabilities emerge.


    If you've ever driven an older 911, the first thing that strikes you on a canyon road (long before its famously startling tendency for snap oversteer) is the lightness of the front end and its propensity for initial understeer. There's still a hint of plowing when entering a corner hot, but (largely) thanks to the tune of the Öhlins shocks, this reworked 911 quickly digs into the corner and tracks through the curve, well past the point of initial turn-in. With that sort of psychological and visceral encouragement, it's not long before I'm driving the six-figure masterpiece like it's a rented Mustang. Undulations and ruts that would have unhinged a '90s-era Porsche with disconcerting bump steer are effectively soaked up and deflected. Credit the suspension's magic mix of preload, rebound, and premium components mated to the low unsprung weight of the 17-inch Chris Coddington wheels clad with race-ready rubber, for starters.

    And then there's the sound, a throaty wail that defies the conventional bargle of the horizontally opposed six. It rises and liberates itself from the mundane with a gloriously rich song, while the camshaft's ramp profile produces an even swell of power as the orange needle climbs. And yes, that sound only sweetens towards redline, as my co-pilot's hints appear to ring true: though the tightness of the corners inhibits all-out engine revving, a touch of gearbox strategy (and a smidge of gratuitous downshifting) eventually reveals a screaming engine note whose wail is downright inspirational, crescendoing with a soft bump into the rev limiter. Yes sir, you were correct; there is an aural pot of gold at the end of that revvy rainbow.


    Once I focus on something other than coaxing a few extra thousand spins per minute from the honeyed six-cylinder engine, the chassis becomes a capable and thrilling conspirator in my quest for cornering speed. Despite the lunacy of jagged steering input and mid-corner throttle lifts, this 911 remains unhinged and glued down, married to tarmac in ways its throwback counterparts simply couldn't. And even though the front tires measure a 225 millimeters across, the hydraulically assisted steering conveys every last grain of asphalt passing beneath. Four-piston brake calipers bring swift slowdowns, and once decelerated, the pace is resumed again eagerly with the smooth-revving engine. Blast, brake, turn, repeat; the ritual doesn't stop until it's finally time to leave the mountain and return to the humdrum of Singer headquarters in Sun Valley, CA, as the pastoral ribbon of road recedes in the rear view.

    Final Analysis

    It's hard for a Porschephile of any measure not to be moved by a drive in the Porsche 911 by Singer Vehicle Design. Nostalgic and timeless, the car manages to conjure the most evocative of Porsche characteristics while dispatching a satisfyingly modern driving experience. Transcending the arbitrary boundaries of branding, nomenclature, and performance numbers, this 911 is rear-engined nirvana of the highest order, an ode to the icon that encapsulates everything we love about the classic without getting weighed down by the drawbacks. Singer Vehicle Design has managed to translate pure Porsche lust into a car that encapsulates everything the German brand stands for, the intangibles forming an improbable alchemy which feels like magic, more emotion than engineering – and a seemingly perfect way to spend a half-mil on a very special machine.
    Última edición: 26 Jun 2015
  14. Pichi

    Pichi Forista

    29 Dic 2004
    Me Gusta:
    Pelin caro.

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